LIFB Special Edition

⭐️ Since 10 March 2024, the exclusive resources for LIBF students hosted on the Stratability Platform have migrated to our new platform HERE, so a few changes.
Here's how you can access your resources:
Already logged in users:
Click on Redirect Me Now
Existing users not logged in: Login first then Redirect Me Now
Existing users yet to login to new account: An auto-enrollment invite and password reset request has been sent to your LIBF account email. Follow steps above after your password reset. 
New Students: Register for Access with your LIBF account email and LIBF supplied 'coupon' to open your account on Stratability Academy. Once done... follow steps above.
Write your awesome label here.

Registration/Enrollment Form

NB: You must use the same email as your main LIBF Account along with the COUPON code provided by your LIBF enrollment team, to redeem your access to THE STRATEGY JOURNEY book and resources.
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